Monday, December 14, 2015

Cliffs No More, Take Three

Today we were supposed to pick up our rental car and drive to the Cliffs of Moher and then head north to the village of Cong to stay the night. I was really looking forward to seeing the countryside and taking pictures of green hills dotted with sheep and lots of lovely rock walls, however, Mother Nature had other ideas in mind. There was a great deal of flooding in the West and the news kept reporting on blocked roads and miserable driving conditions, so we decided to bail and spend the rest of the time in Dublin. I was disappointed, but a bit relieved since I would be in charge of navigation. Anyway, we walked through the rainy cobble-stoned lanes to Henry Street so I could score some fabulous Lush products, then grabbed a bite at a little place off O'Connell. Dave was starting to feel crummy so we headed back to St. Laurence and called it a day.

(I would just like to point out that this is my THIRD time trying to visit the Cliffs and having to cancel. Oy vey!)

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