Sunday, December 13, 2015

Pub Crawl (sort of)

Today was, as is to be expected in the Emerald Isle, rainy. We stayed in and chillaxed most of the morning and early afternoon then hoofed it to Temple Bar. I have never had any desire whatsoever to visit Temple Bar or any touristy place, but Dave felt it was necessary, so off we went! It was a nice enough, albeit crowded, pub, with live music and a warm atmosphere. I was terrified and couldn't wait to leave. I get super nervous and self conscious in bars because I don't drink and don't know how to behave. Dave had his pint and then we headed to Palace Bar and finally to The Brazen Head, which was recommended to me by Robert O'Sullivan on my first day in Dublin back in September. This was Dave's favourite pub so far. It was jam packed but we managed to get a spot at the bar and listen to the live music as well as overhear the locals and out-of-towners banter and chat away with one another. I was a tad uncomfortable, being the only one there without a drink at hand, but Dave got to try a glass of McGargle's Cousin Rosie's Pale Ale and said it was one of the best he'd ever had. Woohoo!


Finally we walked our way down to the Guinness Storehouse, which Dave later said was one of the highlights, having been through many a brewery tour. It was interesting and well laid out and not super crazy crowded. I liked that I could take pictures and not feel foolish, since everyone there was doing the same thing. The best part was at the end of the self guided tour when we went to the top floor and sat in groovy chairs by the window at Gravity Bar. It has a 360° view of the city of Dublin. It was so serene to look out at the yellow lights below and just take it all in. A perfect way end the evening.

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