Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas in Dublin

Once again we schlepped ourselves to the City Centre through the misty rain. This time we went to Stag's Head, which was stunning. A beautiful dark wood pub with a few people and plenty of space to sit. I took a booth off to the side and admired the place. The ceiling was all wood panels and made me think of Norma Desmond's ballroom. It was regal, yet comfortable and definitely the best pub we'd been to the entire trip.


After Stag's Head we walked a few blocks to - Hooray!!!! - Blazing Salads, where I spent $55.01 on tons of vegan goodies that I should have bought on our first night. Oh well, I didn't care. I was going to have a red lentil burger, a veggie samosa, and even a mini mince pie when we got back to St. Laurence!! Next we walked to Grafton Street so Dave could grab some last minute gifts. I loved glancing at the shop windows and seeing the carol singers belting out one Christmas hit after another. If it were snow rather than rain, it would have been picture perfect. I do wish I'd been more courageous about taking good pictures of everything, but there's tons of people and I didn't want to seem like just another rude, self-centered tourist. I did get a couple decent pix tho!


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