Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother’s Day Krispy Kreme

On a different plane of existence on this mortal coil, one where  Bishop and I had that kid we once talked of having together, they would so get these for me for Mother’s Day this year. And they would not pass judgment as I hid my veganism in a shoebox and indulged in these beauties!

(ps - Probably close to fifteen years back, I asked Bishop if he’d consider having a kid with me. I wasn’t serious in the least, I just wanted a plan in place in case I changed my mind and wanted to become a parent. He said yes, with no hesitation, so long as he was able to have a role in their life, which of course he would. We never got farther than names, but it’s still fun to imagine what our child would look like and become.)
(pps - Jacinda Louise Aurelia Rosa June for a girl and Baldwin Atticus Apollo Robert for a son, even though originally we thought Thaddeus, but that never felt quite right. Baldwin does.)

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