Saturday, May 11, 2024

It's Ann Jillian Day Again!

Every May 11th I can't help but be transported back through my vault of memories to the night I met Ann Jillian. She was radiant and kind and her husband was unbelievably dashing and warm. My behaviour, at age eleven, was, I'm certain, completely cringeworthy. The actual photo of Ann, Andy, myself, and an old school chum, is so bad that I can't bear to look at it. Me, with my mullet growing out into unflattering Farrah Fawcett wings, my teeth at pre-braces with a massive gap between my front toofahs, trying to appear grown up and wearing garish lipstick, which was only made worse by the enormous grin I was sporting, and topped off with a face so red that I looked like a weather-worn coastal fisherman. It is just bad. But remembering watching Ann walk around the green room until she came upon us is still so sharp and absolutely clear in my mind. What a genuine and gorgeous creature she is. I will never not adore her.

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