Thursday, April 18, 2024

Rear Window with Kay

Rear Window has been one of my all-time favourite films since I was in grade school. I can watch it again and again and never get tired of it. The first time I saw it in the theatre was over a decade ago with Bishop at, if memory serves, the Bryn Mawr Film Institute. Next was with Zach at the Ambler Theatre in 2019. Last night I got to see it for the third time at the County Theater with Kay. I don't think she loved it nearly as much as I do, but she definitely liked all of Edith Head's costumes for Grace Kelly. Especially the first one. We spent the whole day together and as always, it was wonderful. I never, ever tire of her company and she is easily one of the raddest chicks on the planet. Can't wait to see what we do on our next outing!

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