Thursday, January 13, 2022

Taking the Dalai Lama's Advice

Saturday night I FaceTimed with Natalia who filled me in on her new jobbie. She likes it but there is one woman there who is extremely toxic. I felt awful because I was so happy when she told me she got work at a book shop. I was looking forward to hearing great stories about books she's discovering and great co-workers. I'm always dishing out advice (mostly it's never taken!) and so I told her about something the Dalai Lama had said that stuck with me. I told her that he said when confronted with an enemy to take that as something precious, like a treasure, because it is giving you the opportunity to grow and to practice patience and kindness and tolerance. Today I got a text that made me feel really great about myself for helping her and so relieved that she is taking a different approach to working with this woman. 

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