Friday, January 14, 2022

Believe Me

On my list of books and audiobooks to read this year is Eddie Izzard's book Believe Me: A Memoir of Love, Death and Jazz Chickens. I bought it on Audible a while ago but since it's almost 15 hours long, I kept putting it off. I'm so glad I did because today was the perfect day to dive in to it. At work I watched Life with Elizabeth all day, which kept me howling and had me in a great mood, and that high continued once I started listening to Eddie narrate her life story. It's so good so far and Eddie has all these sidebar footnotes and it feels like she's telling me, personally, the stories and I just love that.

(ps - At just about halfway through, those little sidebars became unbearably tiresome and nearly incessant. It was impossible to follow a line of thought and a story. Who knew there was someone out there that could outdo David Foster Wallace in the footnote department? I love Ms. Izzard, but this memoir needed an editor to tell her to pump the brakes on the footnotes. I doubt I'll ever listen to this book again.)

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