Thursday, September 16, 2021

I Smell Like a Plastic Dinosaur

Tuesday morning I drove to Ashlee's and dropped off a box of some toys I had in the basket under my purple chair. Most of the toys in the basket were from when I was a kid and Xavier, too, plus when I would have Ashlee and Nicole sleep over when they were little. I don't have children stay at my place any more so I went through and gave some trucks, mini stuffed animals, and other odds and ends for Avery and Bailey. Avery's been in to dinosaurs lately so I had to include the triceratops. Later that night Ash sent me a video of Avery randomly holding the dinosaur to her nose while watching TV. When pressed to answer why she was doing that, she, rather indignantly, answered, "Because it smells like Lisa Star." She then sat back and took in two big snort-fulls of Dino/Star. Too cute not to post!

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