Friday, September 17, 2021

58 - The Smile

The Smile

There was a woman we loved to see. She had a lovely smile that would spread from her face to ours. It was not the type of grin that appears when you hear a clever joke or you've been tickled, but the elegant smile of someone who has learned a bit of wisdom through the years and might even be satisfied with life. Whenever she entered a room her smile was a welcome and reassuring sight, and we sat a little straighter and felt a little smarter. One day somebody whispered in her ear and it must have been quite a joke, for her gentle smile grew into a goofy grin and we smiled too at first. But then her smile grew so big and wide that she looked like a strange cartoon and we became frightened, although we could not quite explain why.

Our emotions are contagious. Joy comes from curiosity and truth, and must be balanced with dignity if it is to last. Examine your principles and encourage others through kindness.

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