Thursday, July 29, 2021

Ted Lasso

Last night after work I went down to see Xavier, Mary, and the kids and scored at seeing all five and getting hugs from each! I've been laying low this month and most likely August as well, but I couldn't resist stopping by for an hour or so to chat and catch up. Xave told me about this new series that he and Mary binged on the other day, Ted Lasso. I had never heard of it but when I IMDb'd it I saw that it featured Jason Sudekis and was focused on UK football, so I figured I'd watch an episode or two in the garage. Fast forward to 3AM when Xavier and I finished the last ep of the first season. It is the best TV show I have seen since I discovered Hart to Hart. The cast is so diverse and the characters are real and three-dimensional. The writing is fast and witty and will have me cracking up and then sniffling back tears. 
(photo kidnapped from apple)
I went through half a pack of cigarettes watching Lasso, which I never do anymore, and managed to get home by 4 in the morning. True to my nuttiness, I snapped a selfie with Xavier in the garage and one later at 3AM since Jax was somehow still wide awake. Ted Lasso is definitely a show to watch more than once and I can't wait to see season two when it's all available!

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