Friday, July 30, 2021


This morning at 7:45 I found myself in the car dealership waiting on Roark's oil change. I brought along The Two Mrs. Grenvilles, loving that I would have a good chunk of time to sit in relative silence and really dive in to the story. Just before I cracked open the book I heard a voice across the room. I looked up in confusion and found a lovely woman asking about my bag, wanting to know if those were library date stamps on it. I told her yes and that I got it from Out of Print and raved about them. She thanked me for helping her get all her shopping for Christmas done and later informed me that they were having a BOGO. Buy one get one? Um, yes please! So I ordered myself a $30 The Color Purple v-neck and a Pride and Prejudice one was mine for freesies. How fab is that? Then I was scrolling through my saved posts on IG, looking to delete some, and came across a quote of Mr. Darcy's. (Clearly I need to re-watch P&P now!) Guilt for buying one more thing that I truly don't need seemed to instantly vanish into the ethers of this mortal coil, never to be felt again.
(photo kidnapped from littlemissbookreader's Instagram account)

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