Sunday, June 6, 2021

Weekend of Relaxation

I'm on day six of feeling sick for the first time since January of 2020 and decided to take it easy this weekend in the hopes of being 100% by Monday morning. I canceled all plans then managed to drag my backside out the door on Saturday to pick up fruit and veggies and hit the library a few towns away for my holds. Then it was home to watch As Time Goes By, Columbo, and season one of MacGyver for today. I was worried that MacGyver wouldn't be as fun as I remembered. It was a family favourite in the 80s, especially with big brother Dave, but by the end of disc one I was switching back to more of As Time Goes By. The episodes were good, however, in three of the four eps I saw, MacGyver was very much the white saviour. I think I'll see if the library has season three and skip ahead a bit. I've a feeling that later episodes might be more my speed. It was fun reminiscing a bit with Mum and Dave about the show.

Our Lucy ready to hit the beach:

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