Saturday, June 5, 2021

5 - The Rain

The Rain

The earth is dry and we pray for rain. Clouds gather on the horizon and we wait, watching and hoping they will bring water after so many long days of dust and thirst. Some of us pace and wring our hands. Others drop to their knees and bow their heads, hoping a display of faith might hurry things along. We refuse to move until it rains and we stand at the edge of town for weeks, staring into the sky. But the clouds follow their own logic and live by their own clocks, unaffected by the murmurs and wishes of the small creatures down below. The wise ones know this. They make a cup of tea and read a book, knowing better than to interfere in matters beyond their control. Sooner or later, rain will fall.

Waiting is necessary for reaching any goal, and it is an art. Be present and face your difficulties without wishful thinking. Worry and despair will not affect the outcome.

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