Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Christmas Lights With Kayla!

After work tonight I hit MOM's to drop off some food to compost (hello environmental nerd) and then to Philly where I managed to score a parking spot outside of Kay's place. We chatted, I used the peepod, and we were then on our way to Delaware to check out the house off of Silverside, which Kayla had never seen. She loved it (naturally) and the place was virtually empty, allowing us to take lots of pix and videos and really enjoy this true Winter Wonderland. On the way home we were neck deep in great conversation (with our beloved Johnny Mathis Christmas albums playing non-stop in the background) so we veered right onto the on-ramp for the bridge to Jersey in the hopes that the Christmas Vacation house was still lit. It wasn't, but we still drove around, admiring houses, and then stopped to see Zach. As Kay and I drove down the long driveway we were both perplexed as to why the lights were out in the garage, the door was up, and what appeared to be a strobe light was flashing. Turned out that when Zach opened the garage door to let us in a "big animal" ran under Xavier's gun safe. Once we heard this we three were a bunch of scaredy-cats, huddled together in the corner by the steps into the house with our phone lights, trying to get a look. We smashed our heads against the wall to look behind the safe and there sat the cutest teeny-tiniest little mouse ever. Only problem was that the little bugger was utterly fearless, coming closer to us, rather than scurrying the other way. Luckily we got in the house without the mouse sneaking in. All in all, it was, as it always is, so great to see this lady and to introduce her to Zach. I always talk about my nieces and nephews to eachother and I'm glad that now Zach can put a face to the names Bella and Kay, and vice versa. Kay and I had a fantastic time peering out the window to look at houses and it got me thinking that one of these days maybe we can take a jaunt up to Newport or wherever and tour some of those fancy schmancy homes. Or I wonder if she'd like Fallingwater?? 

(ps - here's a video that Kayla took last Wednesday night when the car across the street inexplicably caught on fire!)

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