Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas Lights with Isabella!

I picked up Bella at 3pm and we started our big day together. We planned this back in October and today did not disappoint. First things first, I brought up my Christmas 2020 playlist, then off to MOM's Naked Lunch for a sushi bowl each - yum! Dusk arrived and we started our night with a cruise through the big ole homes in Bryn Mawr, then a pit stop to Marina's and a drive through Cwood, Westmont, and especially all the gorgeous mansions in Haddonfield. I showed her my fave and we parked, ate Krispy Kreme doughnuts as we gazed up at the perfectly decorated house on the hill. We wound through more neighbourhoods until we came to Mama Rosie's for chit chat and a photo shoot next to her tree (and below the photo I took when Bella and I were in Dean Village, Edinburgh in 2017!) then off to the Christmas Vacation house and a brief stopover at Xavier's. Bella didn't get back home until real late but we already feel like this needs to become a December tradition for us. 

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