Thursday, October 22, 2020

Outlaw King

(photo kidnapped from pinterest)

A handful of years ago I saw an episode (season 24 episode 4 to be exact) of The Graham Norton Show that featured Sally Field alongside Chris Pine and Rami Malek. I've always really liked Sally Field, which is why I was watching it, and I knew Chris Pine from movies he made that I never intended to see, and Rami Malek was that cat from the Robot TV show that I didn't care about. No disrespect to either of the fellas, they were just never flying near my radar. I knew who they were and that was sufficient. Anyways, Sally Field was talking about her memoir, In Pieces (mentioned here), and while she spoke I noticed that Chris Pine was really listening to her. He was engaged, asking questions, drawing her out to say more, and was genuinely interested in hearing what she had to say. So often men, particularly young men, ignore women that they see as old or unattractive. If they view the woman as un-fuckable then that woman simply ceases to exist in their presence. I was really taken with how Chris Pine behaved, the care he took in really letting Sally Field know that what she had to say was relevant and fascinating. He didn't over-compliment or do that thing where young actors call anyone five years or more older than them a "living legend" or any of that other ass-kissing garbage. He just looked her in the eye and paid attention. I never forgot that. What a genuinely nice guy... I thought to myself. I added Outlaw King to my list of What To Watch and finally got around to it today. A solid performance from Pine that has me checking out his other work like Hell or High Water and I Am the Night.

(ps - To be clear I am NOT saying that I think that Sally Field is anything other than perfection, I am merely pointing out that because she is over the age of thirty that many ignorant young men would dismiss her entirely based just on her age. Also, Rami Malek seems like a sweetheart but I still don't wanna watch Robot-something or the Freddie Mercury picture.)

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