Wednesday, October 21, 2020


This TV series popped up in Netflix and, intrigued, I kept on watching that mini-trailer that auto-loads sometimes. "Oooo...." I thought to myself, "Is that the Luke Cage guy???" Oh it sure is. It's October so after finishing Alan Cummings' book I decided to test drive this series. It's very good and just the right amount of spooky, plus I like the diversity in the three leads. A while back I asked Bishop about a show I was watching and he said he didn't have any interest in it because everyone in the cast, and peripheral characters as well, were all white. He didn't want to give his time (and Nelson ratings) to a show that never considered his or any other non-white race. Ever since then I tend to see things in the same way and try to be more aware of the races and genders and sexual preferences of the characters. This show is just what I needed this month to keep me in a creepy frame of mind.

(photo kidnapped from cinemaholic)
(ps - Really liked this but gotta say, it really went off the rails in the last two episodes...)

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