Friday, February 15, 2019

My Valentine's Date with John Waters

What's a sad, lonesome spinster to do on the day dedicated to love and romance? She gets in her Mini Cooper and drives to Baltimore to sit alone at a table for two, surrounded by couples holding hands and listens to a seventy-two year old homosexual artist talk about whatever is on his mind.

After the show in the parking garage's elevator a young guy saw my purse and said, "Is that supposed to be a spiderweb on your bag? I like it." Then the girl standing next to him (she wasn't with him though) said, "I have that same bag." I look over and holy shit! She's got the same exact bag in her hand! I said to her, "ModCloth, right?" "Yep," and nodding to my bag as the doors open asks, "On sale, right?" "Heck yeah," I told her and then we wished each other a good night and I was alone with the guy. He said how sometimes he gets jealous that girls can carry bags because if he could, he'd be toting around all of his crap. I suggested, "Get a briefcase - you can rock that shit!" That scored a chuckle and as he got out on the 6th floor I told him to take care and he said, "You too, and happy Valentine's day, sweetie." So nice! I love little moments like that with strangers. Makes the world seem kinder and less enormous.

bonus: check out the Valentine I got from two of my favourite fellas:

AND, I woke up yesterday morning to find that both Barbara and Michel received their V-Day cards right on time!

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