Sunday, March 26, 2017

The One and Only Bestest Bestie

Dinner with Amy!! It was soooo good to hug her and catch up and just share space with this lady. After some grub we did a little shopping and then headed over to Target (which I still boycott). Amy gives up chocolate every year for Lent, even though she's not religious. It's more to set a challenge for herself. Anyway, she was desperate for something so we went to the baking aisle to pick up some buttercream cake frosting. Then, in the distance, Amy saw a glowing halo encircle a drew her closer and then, and then, a choir of angels sang...behold, Krispy Kreme cake mix!!

It was so hard for me to not pick it up and buy it. Thankfully it contains milk, so it isn't vegan and it was at Target. But I bet that mix makes one helluva cake. Also, random tip that Farmer Amy hipped me to - duck eggs have a high fat content and are best used when baking. Especially soufflés and cheesecakes. I can only imagine what they'd do to a Krispy Kreme Betty Crocker mix... Anyways, it was a bit of a drag to only have a handful of hours together, but every minute with Amy was stress free and fabulous. After 39 years of being BFFs we are nowhere near sick of each other. Looks like it'll be that way forever! She ain't gettin' rid of me any time soon. 

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