Monday, March 27, 2017

Once Upon An Island

BFF Amy's Aunt Betty, wife of the delightful Uncle Walt, wrote a book in 1988 about their life in New Zealand on Arapawa Island in the Marlborough Sounds. It tells of how they pulled up stakes and left their family home in Pennsylvania to move halfway around the world and lead an entirely different life. I located a copy on Amazon in 2012 and decided to finally crack it open and dive in.

And here's Uncle Walt. I met him one Summer in the mid-late 80s when I was staying with the Rowe's and Uncle Walt was home for a visit. I think we were at Andy and Stephanie's. Anyway, someone was playing a record and The Five Satin's In the Still of the Night came on. Amy partnered with her Dad - Mark, one of the best fellas of all time - and Uncle Walt asked me to add him to my dance card. I still think of him whenever I hear that song. 

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