Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Ole Tomorrow Show

Today I queued up some episodes of Tom Snyder's Tomorrow show to listen to at work. I love Snyder as an interviewer. He had such an eclectic mix of guests and always treated each of them with the same amount of respect and genuine interest. It's like being a fly on the wall, eavesdropping on one fabulous conversation after another. I do so miss interviewers of the past like Snyder and Dick Cavett. There was no pretense with them, they asked real and unique questions of their guests and then sat back and let them speak. It made the work day fly by!

I started off with Ricky Schroeder, who cute as can be, shared his Starburst candy with Tom. 

After Ricky, Iggy Pop came on to perform and then chat with Tom, who seemed sincerely interested in everything Iggy said without sounding like an old fuddy-duddy who was above listening to such loud caterwauling. And Iggy was so polite. I do love me a fella with good manners.

I'd seen the interview with Wendy O. Williams, but knew I had to see it once more. Just another great interaction between two totally opposite personalities.

Patti Smith was wonderfully shy and her usual soft spoken self. So unpretentious and sweet that she's impossible not to like.

Then I watched the 1975 John Lennon interview. Tom covered Lennon's years with The Beatles and what the fellas are up to now, John and Yoko's Bed-In for Peace and their current issues with the U.S. and possible deportation. All in all, a wonderful batch of interviews by a helluva host.

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