Sunday, December 4, 2016

Ten Fun Filled Hours!

Yesterday afternoon I picked up Jax. We planned to run a bunch of errands, have lunch, and then visit my favourite Christmas house at night. Before we left I got to see Miss Sydney in the silliest p-jams I've ever seen. Ain't she the cutest snow-gal in the whole wintery world? Damn right she is.

By 1pm we were off! Jackson was pea-coat clad and ready to roll, looking extra special in the scarf I made. He wants me to knit a little one for Steve Burns and I think I might just do that.

I brought with me my super rad holiday mixes - the felt cases by Amber Brown were "so coool!!" and the Joyful Tree mix scored number one for both of us. My favourite moment of the entire day came when Streisand's Jingle Bells was playing. I love that song and always have. It's a classic number that she spins on its ear and revs up, giving it a whole new sound and pace. Jackson asked me, "Is she rapping?" Never has anyone on Earth ever listened to Barbra Streisand sing and confused her singing for rapping. Then he gave his complete review, "that is not how you sing that song." Damn. Harsh, right?

First stop was the library near Cwood. The woman behind the counter said Jackson "looks like a little gentleman!" and his dapperness got us each a little sticker! While Jax had never seen The Wire (that makes two of us), he did say that Muppets Most Wanted was really good.  

No visit to Cwood is complete without swinging by my fave bakery!

Chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing for Jax, plus a blondie for later and then a magic bar and a brownie for ME!

We had lunch at Heart Beet Kitchen and were both enamoured by the sweet little mason jar snow scenes. "It's a bird bath!!" Jackson exclaimed. Complete with a birdhouse, lil' bird perched on the edge of the bath and a bunny rabbit on the ground below. I ordered us some lentil tacos that were not a hit with Jax, but since he tried them, I let him have his cupcake as a reward, which he gobbled up.

Then we headed to my place for play time with Auntie Star's basket full of vintage toys, Shrek and bunny ears, little cars and a tuning fork, which for some inexplicable reason is always a huge hit with the kids.

While Jax ate his Not Dog (Lightlife Smart Dogs are the best phony hot dogs EVER, just so you know) we put on one of the sweetest (if not thee sweetest) Christmas shows to exist - Ziggy's Gift!!! We watched it twice. Fuzz (Ziggy's lil' white dog with the big blue nose) and the orange kitten are so cute together that it makes me all teary-eyed.

I needed to pick up a couple pairs of gloves at Old Navy and we discovered a little table with cards, envelopes and stickers so kids could create a gingerbread person. I think I showed a great deal of restraint in not overdoing it with the stickers. Jackson, however, went bananas.

Selfie Saturday is the best day of the week!

At the office in Center City (where I have not worked since September 7th because of all the overtime I've managed to pick up. I do so love to work from the comfort of my humble home!) we moved all my stuff from my current desk over to Leslie's since she and I will now be sharing. I had an anger-ball melt down trying to get in the god damn building after hours and Jax was awesome. He was supportive, "Why don't they let us in? This is stupid." and hustled to keep up with me while I dragged him to every conceivable entrance cursing under my breath. Not once did he sense my irritation and rage and get upset. Thankfully I keep candy at my desk and rewarded him with lollis. Then Selfie Saturday continued in the ladies loo!

Finally, finally at 9:30pm we made it to the house on Silverside in Delaware near the old office building. Needless to say Jackson absolutely was blown away by all the decorations, the lights, the music playing, the Pooh Bears, and the little puppies in the doggie bed inside the shed set up to be a living room - "it's holding a stocking in its mouth!!!!!!!"

Home at last by 10:30ish where a sleepy Jackson cuddled next to his father on the sofa, while I got in one last selfie with my practically grown up nephew Zach. All in all, one damn fine Saturday!

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