Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Out of the Clear Blue Sky

I first saw this film in December of last year and saw it again recently. It's an absolutely crushing film to watch. Anything involving September 11th makes me instantly cry. I didn't lose anyone in the attacks and I didn't shed a single tear on the day or the months that followed, but I think the reason it so upsets me in the now is that I've finally processed it; the loss and the fear and the true terror that innocent people felt is just so, it's just so very sad. Just regular people going to work or traveling somewhere or responding to calls and then they're gone. The thing that bothers me the most is thinking of how frightened they must have been in their last moments. How unfair that day was, for those that were taken and for those that are forced to continue on. It just so all-encompassingly sucks.

Out of the Clear Blue Sky is a film made with love and respect and if you ever need a really, really hard cry, this'll do it. But by the end you'll feel grateful that something horrible brought so many people together into a family they never would have expected, nor wished, to have. It breaks your heart but instills a sense of human decency from a company that championed for those left behind.

(photo kidnapped from impawards)

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