Thursday, July 16, 2015

Angel Pants, that's me.

August is coming up fast and I wanted to get every weekend booked with my nieces and nephews and my brother who lives out-of-state. So far, Wayne (brother) is on board for a visit to Stogie Joe's, Jaeden is down for a trip into Center City, possibly to Nomad Roman or Lorenzo and Son for a hot slice of 'za, and Kay and I are starting the month off with a fancy lunch date at Pizzeria Stella. All that's left is Johnny, Bella, and MJ. Syd couldn't be bothered to find out if she has any free weekends so she's currently crossed off for the month. Thanks for saving me the fifty bucks I was gonna drop on you at Victor Café, ya little stinkbug! Anyway, Zach doesn't have a phone, so I texted my sister-in-law to see when he was available. Her response made me chuckle because she is so freakin' adorable.


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