Friday, June 7, 2024

Meet The Squigs!

Late last year I kept seeing ads and what-not about an app called Finch. I checked it out and decided to give it a try for 2024. First thing in the morning I open it up and get cracking on my list of must-do and really-oughta-dos. There are plenty of times that I will snooze something (like cleaning my room or decluttering my desk) or skip it entirely, but for the most part, I have been doing pretty good. Starting this month I added a handful of more to-dos such as meditate twice a day, juice, practice a bit of yoga (which I really don't like doing), plus trying to stick with intermittent fasting. With the hot months already here, I don't plan to do much outdoors, so hopefully I can focus on getting my mental and physical health just a wee bit improved. Hanging out with my über-bestie, Squiggles, and helping them explore places like The Alps, London, Maui, and now back to see the rest of Finchie Forest has been a silly distraction as well as a helpful way to get back on track. I hope...

Look how little Squiggles was!! Not much colour yet and no clothes at all, but totally ready for their first day out in Finchie Forest.

After a brief time checking out Finchie Forest, we booked a ticket with Sassafras for The Alps, where Squigs kept warm in their new Yeti outfit. Beyond adorable.

After The Alps, Squiggles was so ready to hit the beaches of Maui!

Squiggles looks the part of a true Londoner with a touch of cuteness in their snazzy jumper!

Squiggles felt bad only having explored ten percent of Finchie Forest and decided to finish what we started! 

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