Wednesday, May 22, 2024

3 - The Tree

The Tree

There's an old tree in the center of town with a trunk as thick as a building and leaves that disappear into the clouds. When we're feeling blue, we try to remember that this giant oak was once a tiny seed that lived beneath the dirt and muck, struggling to reach the sun. We can imagine it beneath our feet, nudging its way through the dark and seeking the path of least resistance, winding past a stubborn rock in favor of someplace with rain and light. Growth is often painful, and sometimes it can be messy and strange. When we move into new terrain, it is natural to feel overwhelmed. But progress must be a steady and patient undertaking, much like the untying of a knot. With a little help, even the tiniest seed can break through the earth to reach the heavens. And so whenever we're feeling low, we look at our tree and remember its roots.

Plan carefully before you take that first step. Accept the help of others, knowing that growth is always difficult at the beginning.

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