Saturday, April 13, 2024

Movie Families I'd Happily Join

The Buellers
The Griswolds
Addams Family
The Bankses (Father of the Bride)
The Hoovers (Little Miss Sunshine)
The Finches( Father of the Bride)
The Beales & the Kennedys (Grey Gardens)
The Buckmans (Parenthood)
The Sussmans
Portokalos Family (My Big Fat Greek Wedding)
the Larsons (Home for the Holidays)
the Walshs 
O'Reilly's (Return to Me)
Mrs. Smalls & Bill (The Sandlot)
Bryan Mills (Taken)
the Incredibles
the family from E.T. 
the Weasley's (Harry Potter series)
the Parkers of "A Christmas Story"

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