Saturday, February 10, 2024

My 94 Year Old Valentine

Yesterday at 2pm I hit pause on Rosamund Pike narrating Pride and Prejudice so I could hop on to IG and see an Instagram Live with Robert Wagner and his lovely daughter, Natasha. It only ran for about 15 to 20 minutes which was just long enough to cheer me up for the rest of my shift. (I needed it!) I even snapped some screenshots of the father-daughter sit down. Cannot believe that wonderful man is ninety-four today! Doesn't he look stupendous? I was especially intrigued when RJ mentioned something about a documentary based a bit on his fabulous book You Must Remember This which he co-wrote with Scott Eyman. RJ and a documentary? Two of my favourite things combined. I can't wait! Happy bday, Mr. Wagner - you're tops in my book!

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