Monday, October 24, 2022

Halloween 2010

This was the only year I went around with Zach and Syd. It was fun to see them get ready and actually have real costumes - not phoning it in by wearing pjs and saying "I'm a baby" or "I'm a serial killer." Zach was Boba Fett and Syd was a super scary looking vampire. But neither of them could hold a candle to Marina's Chilean Miner. Below you see her portraying the excitement of their finally being rescued.

Then in the evening I went with Marina and Lauryn (who was a sexy devil!) to Sleeves house for their front lawn-fire pit get together. I don't do costumes, but Bishop helped me come up with a fantastic idea. I wore a name tag that read Hello My Name Is Debt. One of the other guests asked about it and I told them Bishop's line, "nothing's scarier than debt." The guy seemed puzzled so I said, "Do you have a car payment? How about your mortgage? Student loans? Credit cards? What do you think is the grand total of all of that?" I could see him calculating the hundreds of thousands of dollars and watched as his face fell. Debt. It's frightening as all get-out.

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