Monday, September 12, 2022


BFF Amy and I are in a sticker club (Amy actually pays for my monthly subscription which has become one of the coolest gifties ever!). For each month there is a special prize for the person who has a vintage skunk sticker in their packet. Every month we text to say “no skunk” and console one another. Last month I GOT IT!!! I immediately called Amy and we celebrated my win together. I notified the Everything Smells team via email and the owner came back with a sweet reply and sent me out my prize - a scratch and sniff puzzle! Best thing to happen to me in a while. If you or someone you really love is into getting mail and stickers, I highly recommend Everything Smells

My email:

Holy minestrone! I got the magic skunk sticker! The first thing I did was call my bestie (also a member) to tell her the good news. Every month for the past year or so we have texted to say "No skunk this month" and we both rejoiced that one of us finally scored the big deal! Please see below for the photos of the winning ticket and if possible, could you send the Scratch and Sniff puzzle to my back up address (there's been thefts at my building)? I'll list it below.

Thanks for making this sticker gal a winner for once!!
Lisa Star

Here is Danielle's reply:

Hi Lisa,

This email goes down as one of the best I've ever received lol. I love your enthusiasm! Yes I can send your prize to the address below.

Congratulations on your big win and thank you for being in my Sticker Club!

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