Thursday, August 11, 2022


"We can watch some Star Wars tonight. I'll hook up the Apple TV. Love yoooou..." - 5 January 2016, heard in the office hallway near the cafeteria in Wilmington DE

Off Grafton in The Dubs, Bella overhears a guy tell his guy friend "She texted me and she said 'I'm moving in with George'." - 11 April 2017

In line at the Princeton Record Exchange the dumb-bell behind me: "So they only have like old artists like Linkin Park and Madonna?" (What a jackass. I didn't even have to turn around to know he wasn't a minute over 22.) - 3 October 2020

RC on lady and what she wants in a relationship: "Girl just get yourself a couple of cats and a bottle of wine." 28 July 2018

"You should see her shoes! She could be with KIϟϟ onstage. She's got these shoes with huge wooden blocks on the bottom." - Tville Honda dealership 16 May 2015

"I didn't lose it! ...someone took it!"

Old man on Mountjoy Street's phone rings and (after seeing the caller's name) shouts "THIS PRICK!" - 13 September 2018

"That was when I nearly ran over Robert Redford who was crossing the street!" - BMFI 2 February 2018

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