Thursday, June 9, 2022

The Automat

This movie was playing at The Ambler Theater not long ago but I was never able to get over there to see it. When I was a kid I remember my father telling me that when he was a boy he would sometimes spend weekends with his Aunt Ducky. They would go for lunch at Horn & Hardart in Center City for lunch, go see a movie, have dinner at Horn & Hardart's, go see another movie and then back to Aunt Ducky's where he would rub her feet for a quarter. I loved the idea of a restaurant where you went up to a little box with a window, put in a coin and then opened the little door and there on a plate was lunch or dinner or dessert. I always wanted to go to a Horn & Hardart and have an experience like that. Seeing this film the other day gave me just a little taste of how wonderful the old Automat used to be. I'm very nostalgic and love the idea of something like this coming back in a big way. It's never going to happen but it's still fun to daydream about it.  

(photo kidnapped from imdb)

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