Sunday, June 5, 2022


Last night I picked up the baby brother at 7:30 and headed over to Phoenixville for the 9:45 showing of Poltergeist one of my top three fave scary movies of all time. I didn't tell Xave about the time the movie started until we were on the bridge. "NINE FORTY FIVE!?!" I didn't want us to be late in case of traffic and trying to find parking. Of course that meant that we hit zero traffic and I found a spot right away (the same one, in fact, that I had last Sunday for It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World!) at 8:35. But it was a gorgeous, cool night and we found a pop up beer-tender. Xavier got to try and register two new beers and the barkeep was so nice and as he was closing up he passed Xave a free can of the first pilsner he tried. So nice! Then we made it across the street, after a selfie, to see a 35mm print of Poltergeist. It was excellent and the crowd really got into it, cheering in all the right places and clapping at the end. Oh! And there was someone there dressed as a television!! I wanted to say hi and snap a photo but he looked busy and I was too shy to ask. 

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