Sunday, May 1, 2022

33 - The Nap

The Nap

We were exhausted. We had too much to do and there was too much information. Our heads were crowded with responsibilities, facts, desires, hurt feelings and the echoes of unfinished dreams from the night before. We grew cranky. We argued with one another in streets and offices, and sometimes in newspapers and on television. And then one day someone said, "I think we all need a nap." We erected a grand building in the center of town with palm trees and pillows on the floor and a skylight so we could watch the clouds or falling rain while we recovered from our mornings and renewed ourselves for the afternoon. We wondered how we ever managed to live without the Nap Palace and it soon became more useful for maintaining the peace than any of our laws or courts.

When we are overwhelmed, rest may be wiser than action. Retreating from the world and looking inward might save you from future struggles.

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