Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter 2022

This here post is a mish-moshie hodge-podge of some of the silly postcards I sent out for Easter, plus cards I received, and also some pix from today; I mostly hung out with the kids - Syd, Jax, and Lucy - because let's face it, kids are way more fun than grown ups. We coloured and didn't mention politics once. It was bliss!

Are these bunnies hatching?
I miss remote learning...

Take this, ya blue swaddled bastard.

Drop it, sucker.
Ugh, I wanted to play Uno... - Weeeeeeeee!!! - Doug, I can totally see your junk, bro...
Did that kid just let out a fart?!
Gasp! No undies!!

My Easter cards plus a sweet e-card by Jacquie Lawson from Anne.

Amy and Don's chick and bunny from the farm:

And here are some snaps from today:

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