Thursday, April 21, 2022

Chickpea Salad Swich

Last year I became obsessed with this sandwich. I'm a lousy cook, so when I can find something yummy and on the healthy side to have for lunches or whenever, I go whole hog. This was a recipe that made me feel so proud to be able to make and enjoy time and time again.

15oz can chickpeas (drained, rinsed, and peel off that nasty skin!)
¼ cup diced purple onion
½ cup diced red bell pepper
3 tbsp Veganaise
½ tsp: dijon mustard - garlic powder - onion powder
salt & pepper to taste
(The original recipe calls for 1 tbsp fresh chopped dill but I leave this out.)
- in a mixie bowl, mash the chickpeas
- add all remaining ingreds and stir


(by Tasty, Rachel Gaewski and kidnapped from @mayavilleofficial Instagram)

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