Monday, February 28, 2022

Lightning Fast Delivery

Saturday morning at 11ish I dropped off a little care package for Natalia. She just texted me to say it arrived! Way to go, US Post Office! It's tough having so much distance between us but FaceTiming helps a lot. She just mailed me an extra copy she had of a Sharon Salzberg book and didn't even know that I had cooked up a package to send her way. Oh us Gemini gals are so in sync with eachother. The box I sent was full of just silly stuff like a vintage bookmarker (from my vast collection!), some little notebooks, a couple books I had (the Dalai Lama one and another on meditation) plus some other random stuff that I picked up at different shops. I'm so glad it made her so happy and arrived on the last day of our month of daily meditation!

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