Monday, February 14, 2022

Fourteen Days of Romance Movies

I thought it would be fun to watch one romantic/love story film a day leading up to Valentine's Day. It turned out to be kind of a disappointment, since not every movie was exceptional. I think if I do this again I'll research in advance and set up way more winners. 

* Love Affair - I hadn't seen this Irene Dunne and Charles Boyer classic in at least ten years. I love the both of them, especially Miss Dunne and this was a nice way to kick off the next two weeks.
* The Russia House - I think I was in high school when I last watched this. The only thing I remembered was the very end and the look on Michelle Pfieffer's face as she went tearing down the gangplank into the waiting arms of Sean Connery, whose joy and excitement matched hers. It's a solid film but that last scene still got me choked up.
* Sylvie’s Love - I wanted to see this film but I always hesitate on films centered on the Black experience. Mostly because I want it to be 100% free from racism and just be a "normal" story about a happy couple with their ups and downs. Same goes for gay films, too. I want it to be uplifting and without any struggle. (Unrealistic, I know, since life is all about struggle and overcoming/dealing with hardships of all sorts.) That said, I'm so glad I watched Sylvie's Love because it was really well done and littered with gorgeous people in fantastic threads surrounded by beautiful music, and a storyline that was just what I needed. 
Before Sunrise - This movie was good but I saw the second film in the trilogy first and didn't get around to this one until years later. I prefer Sunset out of the three films.
* Before Sunset - I remember seeing this in the theatre and being swept away by the conversation and being able to act as that proverbial fly on the wall to their every word. A fantastic concept and so well done.
Before Midnight - Ugh, this movie made me think that all relationships are doomed to have some really seriously shitty times. Just wasn't what I had hoped for.
* The Magic of Ordinary Days - A favourite of Nana Irma's and the one that inspired her love of Skeet Ulrich. A really good Hallmark film that made up for the last Before.
Made for Each Other - I figured Jimmy Stewart and Carole Lombard, how could I go wrong? Well, it was a let down. That mother-in-law needed a punch in the face or a ball gag. But when Jimmy Stewart broke down crying begging for help to save his son's life I spouted out the water works big time. 
* Love at First Bite  - How freakin' funny is George Hamilton? This was such a fun, light movie that I managed to watch off YouTube for free and it had me LOLing more than once. Just loads of fun.
Minnie & Moskowitz - Gena Rowlands is always top notch in every role but why her character of Minnie put up with so many demented and abusive men is beyond me. Seymour Cassel was so believable as a crazy parking lot attendant with unbelievably gorgeous hair but he was out of his gourd mental.
Return to Me - One of the best written, best acted, and best conceived romantic comedy ever made. It's a family favourite and never gets stale. A stellar film.
La belle et la bĂȘte - This is in my top five fave movies of all time. It's unique, lush, and just gorgeous. Jean Marais as The Beast is unbeatable. 
* Doctor Zhivago - Here's another one I hadn't seen since I was a teenager. I had forgotten just how fine an actor Omar Sharif was and just how heartbreaking the ending was.
Somewhere in Time - One of the all time greatest romance films of all time. Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour made for a stunning couple and Richard Matheson's script is as wonderful as his novel. Oh and the music....John Barry's score is pure perfection.

* - liked
♥ - loved
Any unmarked titles were, in my opinion, so-so.

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