Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Back to Ida's

When Bishop and I were having lunch the other day we popped in to Ida's Bookshop. It's still a lovely place and I'm glad I was able to pick up a couple books and support a local seller, but I wish that the person at the front desk was more engaging (Jen Stellato and Fred Dannaway set the bar high), rather than lost in her own world until I clearly interrupted. That's one of those small, insignificant moments that I love - little interactions with strangers where you connect over something you share in common, like books, and exchange a chuckle and a smile that makes the rest of the day a bit easier. Definitely a missed opportunity on her part, since few people are as fun and chatty as me and Bish. I doubt I'll return, but maybe we can check out Harriett's, the sister shop, sometime soon.

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