Saturday, January 1, 2022

Hopes and Goals for 2022

• continue to keep up with friends and family in person (when possible), over FaceTime, and through postcard and letter-writing correspondence
• complete more of my fill-in-the-blank books
• strive toward good health and physical strength
• keep putting money in to my savings account
• celebrate Aunt June's 100th
• stay on top of finances and avoid further debt
• read at least ten books and oodles of audiobooks
• sign up for Acorn or Brit Box
• continue to keep my place neat and organised
• donate more clothes and items to VVA
• plan mini-road trips with Isabella, Kay, and Jax
• have fun with Amy in NY for The Music Man (hopefully it won't be cancelled!)
• try to hit up The Colonial for a classic film with Zach
• work harder to learn Spanish on Duolingo and try to speak it with Natalia and Marina
• maybe give chanting another try
• drink WAY more water
• spend less time on my stinkin' phone, endlessly scrolling through crap that brings me zero joy
• if the Bikini Kill show in Philly is still on - GO and make the best of it
• have another Books and Cooks Tour in December
• visit Baldwin's Book Barn and imagine that every trip there is the last, that way when that one day does arrive, it won't be such a devastation
• try some more recipes
• talk with Bishop about publishing 
• keep Low Budget Philanthropy going
• attempt to think positive as often as possible

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