Thursday, January 20, 2022

49 - The Winter

The Winter

The colors used to fade in the winter. Cold winds would blow away our reds, yellows, and blues, leaving us with grey fruit and traffic signals that made no sense until the spring. We spent these days indoors, staring into books and pale fires, unable to face a black-and-white world. Then we had an idea. We began painting our town. We painted our trees green and apples red and someone even tried to paint the sky a bright blue, although this caused a bit of a mess. But soon our town looked the same the whole year round and we were happy for a while. Then we began to lose our sense of time. Our minds grew soft because we no longer read books or quietly gazed into fires. Years passed yet we did not notice, and this is how we learned that seasons exist for a reason.

Change brings uncertainty as well as growth. Consider how this transformation can be in harmony with your environment and adapt yourself to fit the circumstances that you cannot control.

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