Saturday, December 25, 2021

A Spinster's Christmas 2021

I went a little overboard this Christmas and I think for next year I'll go with the whole less is more thing. Like last year, this time around I had a few gifts from friends. The Brian Johnson book was from Uncle Alan when Jax and I went to see him for the Books and Cooks tour, the tinsel candle was from Maggie, and the bag tied with the ribbon was from Maureen. I scored lots of wonderful books - mostly all memoirs - and some Kate Gabrielle swag. All in all it was a relaxing day watching movies starring John Mills, Kevin Corcoran, and of course, Hayley Mills! (Swiss Family Robinson, The Trouble with Angels, Pollyanna, and The Parent Trap.)

Fantastic Edie Sedgwick artwork by HipnessAndOutrage!

Honey from Amy and Don's farm!

Yummy vegan chocolates from Lauryn - ain't she sweet?!

And a beautiful infinity scarf from Melanie!

Bonus! Photo of Amy's farm, all nice and white Christmas-y.

Super cool video clip courtesy of Michel via Whatsapp:

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