Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Christmas Donation

Just in time for the holidays, I tossed a donation to my favourite movie theatre in the hopes that it will remain open and a part of my life for all eternity. Long live the Colonial!

We sincerely appreciate your generosity before and during this pandemic: thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 

Over the past year, donations, GoFundMe Campaign, and one-time emergency and federal funding have fueled our operations, allowing the Colonial to keep bringing you entertaining films and live concerts. It's been a joy to see light and hear music fill the century-old auditorium this fall after a long, uncertain silence - but it's not all rosy. 

Just over 33,800 people - less than half of pre-pandemic annual attendance levels - visited the Colonial or enjoyed virtual programs in our most recently completed year of operation. Like our peers, we expect this trend to continue for some time, reducing ticketing, concessions, and other earned revenues and continuing our over-reliance on donations.

We've made it this far, but we need your help this holiday season to keep things going in the new year. 

There's so much to look forward to in 2022 at the Colonial Theatre including January concerts (!); the return of Science on Screen and our Edible Cinema film series; new Valentine's Day surprises; Horrorbowl; the Oscar Nominated Shorts and Best Picture Marathon; the return of LIVE Blobfest - and that's just a start. 

With gratitude for your recent gifts, we hope you'll consider making a tax-deductible donation in an amount meaningful to you. We hope that the Colonial and our programs can continue to inform, enrich, and enliven you. Thank you again for being so supportive and caring. 

Please join me in the Low Budget Philanthropy movement and help out your community and beyond in the simplest way - donating any amount to whatever charity or organisation that you care about!

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