Saturday, December 11, 2021

Books & Cooks Tour 2021!!

Talk about a full day! Unlike last year where Jax and I had two days to deliver cookies and get in the Christmas mood, we only had a day for our one year anniversary. But we packed a lot of fun in to a mere eleven hours. First up was picking my favourite nine year old up at his grandparents' house. MeMom received a copy I had of Holiday Buzz (which is where I got the recipe for the lemon sugar cookies!) and a lil' box of cooks. Hugs and selfies and then we were out the door and off across the Ben Franklin Bridge to Philly.

Kayla and kitty Zuko greeted us with more hugs (Lily watched from a safe distance) and a plush couch for watching a bit of The Santa Clause. Kay was the lucky recipient of a Goosebumps classic, Beware, The Snowman!

Next up was a drive over to see Uncle Alan and pass along more cookies and a copy of Gary Sinise's fantastic memoir, Grateful American. Even though we never really see Uncle Al and he can sometimes be uncomfortable and awkward when we visit (I think he's used to his solitude and frankly, we are invading it, but it's the only way we can get together!), it was wonderful to see him and chat for even just fifteen minutes. Jackson was over the moon when Alan gifted him a model of the Corvette he used to drive. The best though was silly selfies in the driveway.

Hunger set in and we headed to Snap Pizza for lunch before winding our way back to Jersey.

First pit stop back in Joisey was to see Dave, Stacey, and Lucy. We got to catch up, chat, and play for a bit before it was time to drop cookies off for Jackson's parents. (Xavier was sick so we said hello and goodbye real quick.) Our favourite Lucy moment was when we all heard the fire engine approach and our gal threw her boots on and went tearing out to the garage screaming "Santa!!! I'm coming to meet you!!!" Her Dad whipped down the driveway at breakneck speed and reached the corner in time for Lucy to hop out and wave as the fire trucks, EMTs, and Ole Saint Nick drove past. (She was jumping up and down saying "I so happy! I so happy!" and we all melted into puddles at her adorableness. Papa Paul even let her pretend to drive home. So cute!!)

The penultimate stop on our tour was to see Bishop. On the way there we rocked out to some classic Depeche Mode and I was so happy that Jax was into the band. No books for Bish since he is desperate to downsize his enormous library, but cookies and a bonus bag of Rose's Candied Pecans were delivered with big hugs and expressions of utter shock that it was sixty-eight degrees today!

Finally we went to Nana Rose's to watch The Snowman, play with the Fisher Price Village, record silly mini-movies, take more selfies, and finish baking the last of the cookies for Amy's tin. 8:30PM approached and it was time to drop Jax back at MeMom and Pop's, going full circle. 

It was so nice to spend time with Jackson, listen to Christmas tunes, plus some fab bands, admire Christmas lights and visit with some wonderful people. We are hoping to do it all again next year and perhaps expand our list of recipients!

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