Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Punky Brewster 2021

I never watched the original Punky Brewster series when I was a kid, but I did catch the first season on DVD through Netflix back in 2012. Earlier this year I saw Soleil's film Kid 90 and it mentioned the new season that was out. I made a mental note of it and today, checked the series out via the Peacock app. I didn't have any expectations and it turned out to be a super cute show! It was definitely in keeping with typical family sitcoms where the parents have wonderful relationships with their kids and work through problems and everything turns out right by the end of the episode. It's the kind of show that I would want my younger nieces and nephews to watch because the cast is diverse, it's fun and everyone is open minded and progressive. Plus Freddie Prinze, Jr. has never looked dreamier. They address some hot button issues in a kind of easy-breezy way that I really admired. I'm hoping they greenlight a second season because I'd love to see more.

(Punky Brewster poster pic kidnapped from imdb - cast photo kidnapped from hollywoodreporter)

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