Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Nana Irma's Favourites

On August 21st, 2014 I asked Nana a serious of simple questions. Some of the answers she gave were very of-the-moment (marked with an *) while others were timeless favourites. I wrote them in a journal that I found today.

Colour: navy blue
Film: Gone with the Wind
Actor: Paul Newman *
Actress: “born 1885 (actually it was 1884) - Billie Burke” * (just re-watched The Young Philadelphians)
Boy name: Sean
Girl name: Megan
Food: “vegetable soup I had a great recipe.”
Singers: Nelson Eddy & Jeanette MacDonald
Song: Sway *
Sport: tennis
Car: Mini Cooper in beige with a canvas top *
TV Show: The Waltons
Author: James Michener
Best date: “Met Tom in 1939 at a fair in Willow Grove Park - popular with young people because of the slides and the carousel - the best date was just a picnic in the park.”
Best Vacation: “England with Tom. He found out his health wasn't doing so great and decided to travel.”
Celebrity crush as a teen: “Clark Gable - always like the older men!”
Celebrity crush now: Richard Gere * (Shall We Dance)
Transitional Object: “Never had a transitional object - had very few toys - sparse and very unhappy reflections of childhood. Don't like to think or talk about it.”
Best memory: “When I was married. We didn't have a wedding, just went to the priest's house.”
“At age 19 (when dating) Tom gave me a valentine and it wasn't red, it was yellow and I liked that. Everyone else had red and mine was yellow.”

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