Friday, August 20, 2021

48 - The Well

The Well

Our town began with a well. This is how most towns begin. A few people get together on a blank patch of land and the first thing they do is dig a well because water is the most important thing. Buildings, roads, and money can be figured out later. Our town has changed quite a bit over the years but the well has always been here, watching our celebrations and revolutions, our fires, thunderstorms, and the arrival of electric lights and satellites in the sky. Yet our need for water remains constant. They say there was a time when the well solved all arguments. If two people disagreed, they met at the well, where the simple act of sharing a glass of water reminded them that they were not so different from one another. Squabbles over money, power, and possessions dissolved when they remembered that they were driven by the same impulses and shared the same needs. Perhaps we should revive this tradition.

The foundations of life are the same for everyone. Make sure these deepest needs are met in those around you, and harmony will follow.

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