Monday, August 2, 2021

40 - The Mess

The Mess

It was all his fault. Maybe it was an accident. Perhaps he did it on purpose. Either way, he left a terrible mess with paint splattered across buildings and bits of food in our hair. The trees were filled with broken dishes and our books, newspapers, and love letters covered the sidewalk. Oh we were angry. We stamped our feet and yelled at him but nothing changed, the town was still a mess. We yelled louder and he dropped to his knees and apologized, but we were so angry that we could not hear him. This went on for days until our voices grew hoarse and someone finally took his hand and said, "We forgive you." Those words were like a cool breeze and we began cleaning, organizing, and re-painting, and today our town is tidier than it was before.

Pass over the mistakes of others and replace old tensions with a fresh start. Forgiveness brings clarity and progress.

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