Sunday, August 15, 2021

306 Hollywood

This past week I watched 306 Hollywood on Prime. Twice. I plan on watching it again this week. In fact, I loved it so much that today I drove up to Hillside and photographed the house. When I watch movies during the day, I usually make a note of it and a brief impression to add to my daily calendar entry before bed. The word I wrote and circled twice was: magical. 306 was unbelievably original and, like Dear Zachary, it introduces the viewer to someone, in this case, Grandma Annette, that they wish could have been a close friend. 

(photo kidnapped from amazon)

From the website:
When siblings Elan and Jonathan Bogarín undertake an archaeological excavation of their late grandmother's house, they embark on a magical-realist journey in search of what life remains in the objects we leave behind. 306 HOLLYWOOD transforms the dusty fragments of an unassuming life into an epic metaphor for the nature of memory, time, and history. 

It's a film that is better seen and felt than to try to do it justice with descriptions that will not measure up. I'm sure, like all documentaries, that it may not be for everyone, but I personally adored it. It made me sad that I didn't see it sooner as it would have urged me to film Nana Irma talking about her life and her thoughts. But moving forward I think I'll try to do a brief video interview with all my favourite people just to have as a little time capsule of who they were at a certain point in time. Isn't that just the best thing about art? When it inspires you to change your life in even a small way and make it better.

(How stinkin' cute is this little gem?!)

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